You can find your PICO-8 files and folders here:

Windows: C:/Users/Yourname/AppData/Roaming/pico-8
OSX: /Users/Yourname/Library/Application Support/pico-8
Linux: ~/.lexaloffle/pico-8

You can browse your PICO-8 files on your operating system whenever you need to. You may want to when changing configuration settings, copying, renaming, or deleting files. This is the main "/pico-8" folder in Windows. 

Note: You may not have all of these folders and files, they are not all necessary. For example, if you haven't used Splore yet to favorite a game, then you won't have a favourites.txt file, but it will be created and saved here once you do so.

Main Folder

As seen above, these are the folders and files you are likely to have in this folder:

Folder: .../pico-8
/backup stores autosaved backup files of games you have edited.
/bbs stores data about carts that you browse and play via "splore" (the lexaloffle game library browser)
/carts stores the carts and other files you create, edit, and save locally. (the root folder when using the command line)
/cdata stores the "cart data" for games that use this persistent memory storage.
/cstore stores the carts saved by the cstore() function.
/plates stores your custom html templates that you can apply to an html export.
activity_log.txt the record of your PICO-8 activity (time spent in editors/games)
config.txt the configuration settings that you can customize
favourites.txt the record of carts that you clicked to save in your favorites collection in splore.
log.txt records details about running PICO-8, carts, and any errors
sdl_controllers.txt a file for customizing controller support and button mappings

carts folder

This is your "/carts" folder, it is the home folder of the files you can browse from the PICO-8 command line. This can be opened quickly with a file explorer in your operating system by using the folder command in PICO-8. There are file navigation commands that you can use in PICO-8 to explore child folders and files within your carts folder.

/bbs folder

Images in this Guide by NerdyTeachers is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0


29 Nov 2024
