In programming, operators are symbols or characters that perform specific actions on values or variables. They allow you to manipulate and perform calculations on data in your program.
There are 4 types of operators:
(1) Arithmetic (addition, subtraction, etc.)
(2) Comparison (greater than, less than, etc.)
(3) Logical (manipulate conditions)
(4) Bitwise (manipulate bits in binary data)
There is one extra operator for concatenation, combining a string with other values into a longer string: (..
a = "hello"
b = "world"
print( a .. " " .. b ) --hello world
Arithmetic Operators
These are used to manipulate numbers and perform basic mathematical operations.
+ | addition |
- | subtraction |
* | multiplication |
/ | division |
% | modulo (get remainder of division) |
^ | exponentiation (to the power of) |
3+2 --5
8-2 --6
7*3 --21
40/5 --6
10%7 --3
4^3 --64
Comparative Operators
These are used to manipulate values (usually numbers) and perform basic comparisons between two values, usually in an if
== | equal to |
~= | not equal to |
!= | not equal to (alternative) |
< | less than |
> | greater than |
<= | less than or equal to |
>= | greater than or equal to |
if a==b then print("equal") end
if a~=b then print("not equal") end
if a!=b then print("not equal") end
if a<b then print("greater than") end
if a<=b then print("less than or equal") end
if a>=b then print("greater than or equal") end
The equal and not equal comparison works with numbers, strings, booleans, and functions.
Logical Operators
These are used to manipulate or compare values (usually booleans). All logical operators consider both false and nil as false and anything else as true.
and | Returns the first false value it encounters or the last true value if all values are true. It can be used to check multiple conditions at once. |
print( true and true ) --true
print( true and false ) --false
print( false and true ) --false
print( false and nil ) --false
print( 10 and 3 ) --3
print( nil and 3 ) --nil
print( "a" and "b" ) --b
print( "a" and nil ) --nil
or | Returns the first true value it encounters or the last false value if all values are false. It can be used to choose between multiple options. |
print( false or false ) --false
print( true or false ) --true
print( false or true ) --true
print( false or nil ) --nil
print( 10 or 3 ) --10
print( nil or 3 ) --3
print( "a" or "b" ) --a
print( nil or "b" ) --b
not | Reverses the Boolean value of an expression. It returns "true" if the expression is false and "false" if the expression is true. |
print( not true ) --false
print( not false ) --true
print( not -3 ) --false
print( not 0 ) --false
print( not "b" ) --false
print( not nil ) --true
A common way to use these logical operators is to combine multiple condition checks, for example:
if a and b then
print("both true")
if a or b then
print("one or both true")
if not a and b or c then
print("it's complicated")
Bitwise Operators (advanced)
& | bitwise and |
| | bitwise or |
^^ | bitwise xor |
~ | bitwise not |
<< | bitwise shift left |
>> | bitwise shift right |
>>> | bitwise logical right shift |
<<> | bitwise rotate left |
>>< | bitwise rotate right |
See Bitwise Operations for more.
Precedence of Operators
Operator precedence determines the order in which operators are evaluated in an expression. It ensures that expressions are evaluated in a consistent and predictable manner. When multiple operators are used in a single expression, operator precedence helps determine which operators are evaluated first.
highest precedence
( ) |
^ |
not |
* / % |
+ - |
.. |
<< >> |
~ |
| |
< > <= >= ~= == |
and |
or |
lowest precedence
24 Sep 2024