PICO-8 uses the standard SDL2 scheme to handle game controllers. When you start PICO-8, it will automatically detect common controllers. So make sure you plug in your controller before running PICO-8. It will also check for any custom controller settings saved in a file called sdl_controllers.txt, which should be in the same folder as config.txt. In sdl_controllers.txt, each controller setting is written on a separate line.

To create a custom setting for your controller, you can use a program called controllermap that comes with SDL2, or visit this website: Gamepad Tool.

To find your controller’s ID (as recognized by SDL2), open log.txt after running PICO-8, and search for "joysticks" or "Mapping." Keep in mind that this ID might be different depending on the operating system you're using. From this BBS Post, it is recommended to use the mapping from log.txt, paste it into sdl_controllers.txt and then modify it to your liking.

If you want to configure which keyboard keys will act like joystick buttons, you can do that using the *KEYCONFIG* tool."

Images in this Guide by NerdyTeachers is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0


20 Dec 2024
