rnd( a )
rnd | "random" |
a | a number or table |
The rnd( a ) function is used to return a random number within the range of 0 up to but not including the number given.
Get Random Number
For example:
a = rnd(5) --range: 0-4.9999
b = rnd(20) --range: 0-19.9999
c = rnd(500) --range: 0-499.9999
To get a random integer (whole number) use flr() with rnd() like this:
d = flr( rnd(10) ) --range: 0-9 integers
--shorthand floor
e = rnd(10)\1 --range: 0-9 integers
Get Random Table Value
You can also pass a table to the rnd() function to get a random value from the table:
table = { 4, 6, 8, 10 }
rnd(table) --4, 6, 8, or 10
The table must have numbered keys because the function will find a random integer between 1 and the total count of the table and return the value stored at that table index. There is also a shorthand of providing the table itself in replace of the parentheses:
table={ 1, 3, 4, 10 }
table[ 1 + flr( rnd(#table) ) ]
rnd{ 1, 3, 4, 10 }
This can be useful for specifying a list of certain possible values, such as the spawn zone of an enemy, or the color numbers of a rectangle:
colors = { 8, 9, 12, 1, 4 }
rectfill( 40,50,60,70,rnd(colors) )
Notice that the color numbers in the table can be in any order.
12 May 2023