cos( x )
cos | "cosine" |
x | a number |
The cos( x ) function is used to return the cosine of the number provided.
An example from the manual shows us how to draw a rotating dial using cos() and sin():
function _draw()
circ(64, 64, 20, 7)
x = 64 + cos(t()) * 20
y = 64 + sin(t()) * 20
line(64, 64, X, Y)
We've slowed it down and added some more details to show what is happening here:
function _draw()
circ(64, 64, 20, 5)
x = 64 + cos(t()/5) * 20
y = 64 + sin(t()/5) * 20
line(64, 64, x, 64,8) -- x-axis cosine
line(64, 64, 64, y,11) -- y-axis sine
line(64, 64, x, y,6) -- main dial line
pset(x, y,12) -- (x,y) point
Images in this Guide by NerdyTeachers is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

4 Sep 2023