Lesson 3:
Code Editor Tour

If you don't own PICO-8 yet, you can still follow along with this course using the free Education Edition, which runs the latest version of PICO-8 in your browser. There are only a few differences so you can experience PICO-8 game development fully with this free edition before you decide to buy it.

We have written guide pages that go into detail about many specific topics within PICO-8 and Game Development right here on our site. Be careful though because it doesn't really distinguish between beginner, intermediate, and advanced topics the way our course does.

So feel free to browse the Guide, but be aware that you may quickly get into areas that are too advanced for you right now. We've made this course to gradually introduce and explain the concepts you need to know to become great programmers and game developers.

Use these Guide pages if you are curious to learn more than we cover in the videos, however, trust that we will cover it in a future video and make it much easier to understand.

Another helpful resource is the Official PICO-8 Manual. Here are some relevant sections that you might want to read:


23 Sep 2024
