This PICO-8 guide helps you find the code or commands you need, based on what you want to do. It also helps explain the basics of programming, how to use functions, and provides many examples. Whether you are new to PICO-8 or not, this guide is a nice reference companion while making games in PICO-8.

The official manual has everything you might need to know.

Pico-8 Manual

If you already know the code, and want to search by that, try these:

Wiki Reference

PICO-8 Cheatsheet
by Neko250 and iiviigames

PICO-8 Guide

  • PICO-8 Basics

    • Main Screen

        This is what you will see every time you start up PICO-8. It is a fun retro style command line like the original home computers. You have to type in commands to navigate your folders and load your games.

        To begin editing a blank game, just press

    • Game Editors

    • Code Editor

    • Sprite Editor

    • Map Editor

    • Sound Effects (SFX) Editor

        Pitch Mode

        Instruments and Loop Controls

        Tracker Mode

    • Music Editor

        Example of a selected SFX (#1) being used in a Music Pattern:

  • PICO-8 Commands

    • Get Help


        lists all commands to navigate PICO-8

    • See Files and Folders

        dir or ls

        dir = "directory" (folder)

        ls = "list"

        shows all files and folders inside the folder currently open

    • Open Folder outside of PICO-8


        Opens the current folder in a new window, outside of PICO-8

        View the actual saved PICO-8 files and folders.

    • Open Folder inside PICO-8

        cd folder_name

        cd = "change directory" or "change folder"

        Opens the folder with that name if it is inside the folder already open

    • Make Folder

        mkdir folder_name

        mk = "make"

        dir = "directory" (folder)

        creates a new folder inside the folder already open

    • Back 1 Folder

        cd ..

        cd = "change directory" or "change folder"

        .. = "back"

        steps back to the parent folder that holds the folder currently open

    • Download Games


        splore = "explore"

        opens menu for finding and downloading PICO-8 games

    • Load Game

        load game_name

        loads the game if that game file is in the folder already open

    • Save Game

        save game_name

        saves the loaded game into the folder already open

        or anywhere in PICO-8, press:

    • Play Game


        Type this into the command screen.

        run = play the loaded game

        or anywhere in PICO-8, press:

    • Exit Game

        exits the running game

    • Continue Game


        Resume = "continue"

        resumes the running game from last exit point

    • Edit Game

        From PICO-8 command menu, press:

        Opens game editor of the loaded game

        If game is running, press ESC twice

    • Set Player Buttons


        "keyconfig" = key configuration (button set up)

        Opens button editor

    • Restart PICO-8


        Reboot = "restart"

        restarts the whole PICO-8 system, make sure you save first!

    • Exit PICO-8


        closes the whole PICO-8 system, make sure you save first!

  • Getting Started Coding

    • Set up the Game

        function _init()

        init = "initiate"

        do something one time when game starts

        not needed for the game to run

    • Update the Game

        function _update()

        do something every frame we see: 30 times per second

        Frame: 1 picture on screen.

        Needed for game to run.

        function _update60()

        or use this for 60 times per second

    • Draw to the Game Screen

        function _draw()

        do something every frame we see: 30 times per second

        Frame: 1 picture on screen

        Needed for game to run

  • Screen

    • Write on Screen

         print( string, x, y, color)

        print = write on the screen at (x, y) position, in a color

        x = (optional) number of pixels from the left going right

        y = (optional) number of pixels from the top going down

        color = (optional) a color number

    • Set Position on Screen

         cursor( x, y )

        cursor = imagine a mouse pointer on the screen(PICO-8 games do not have a mouse)

        x = number of pixels from the top left corner going right

        y = number of pixels from the top left corner going down

    • Erase Screen


        CLS = "clear screen"

        erases the entire screen

        Erasing and re-drawing everything on the screen every frame is standard practice. So you will almost always want to have this in the first line of the _draw() function.

    • Move camera

         camera( x, y )

        sets the camera to position on screen

        x = number of pixels from the top left corner going right

        y = number of pixels from the top left corner going down


        reset camera to 0,0 position

    • Crop the screen

         clip( x, y, w, h )

        Clipping is for creating a smaller area to draw in.

        x = number of pixels from the top left corner going right

        y = number of pixels from the top left corner going down

        w = width of clipping rectangle in pixels

        h = height of clipping rectangle in pixels

        After using this function, the screen will not draw outside of the clipped area.


        Reset to fullscreen, no clipping

  • Draw Shapes

    • Circle Outline

         circ( x, y, radius, color )

        circ = circle

        x = number of pixels from the top left corner going right

        y = number of pixels from the top left corner going down

        x,y = the position of the center of the circle

        radius = number of pixels from the center to the outside

        color = (optional) color number

    • Circle Filled

         circfill( x, y, radius, color )

        circfill = circle filled

        x = number of pixels from the top left corner going right

        y = number of pixels from the top left corner going down

        x,y = the position of the center of the circle

        radius = number of pixels from the center to the outside

        color = (optional) a color number

    • Line

         line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)

        circ = circle

        x = number of pixels from the top left corner going right

        y = number of pixels from the top left corner going down

        x1, y1 = the position of the start of the line

        x2, y2 = the position of the end of the line

        color = (optional) a color number

    • Rectangle Outline

         rect( x1, y1, x2, y2, color )

        rect = rectangle

        x = number of pixels from the top left corner going right

        y = number of pixels from the top left corner going down

        x1, y1 = the position of the first corner

        x2, y2 = the position of the opposite corner

        color = (optional) a color number

    • Rectangle Filled

         rectfill( x1, y1, x2, y2, color )

        rectfill = rectangle filled

        x = number of pixels from the top left corner going right

        y = number of pixels from the top left corner going down

        x1, y1 = the position of the first corner

        x2, y2 = the position of the opposite corner

        color = (optional) a color number

    • Draw Patterns

         fillp( glyph )

        fillp = fill pattern

        glyph = one of the special PICO-8 font characters that replace capital letters.

    • Write Glyphs

         print( glyph ) --as a string
         fillp( glyph )

        glyph = one of the special PICO-8 font characters that replace capital letters.

        You can also use glyphs ( L, R, U, D ) with button detection code instead of button numbers.

        if btn( glyph ) then

  • Colors

    • Color Numbers

        00 (#000000) black
        01 (#1D2B53) navy
        02 (#7E2553) maroon
        03 (#008751) emerald
        04 (#AB5236) brown
        05 (#5F574F) charcoal
        06 (#C2C3C7) gray
        07 (#FFF1E8) white
        08 (#FF004D) red
        09 (#FFA300) orange
        10 (#FFFF27) yellow
        11 (#00E756) green
        12 (#29ADFF) sky
        13 (#83769C) lavender
        14 (#FF77A8) pink
        15 (#FFCCAA) peach
        128 (#291814) onyx
        129 (#111D35) midnight
        130 (#422136) plum
        131 (#125359) forest
        132 (#742F29) chocolate
        133 (#49333B) eggplant
        134 (#A28879) beige
        135 (#F3EF7D) lemon
        136 (#BE1250) burgundy
        137 (#FF6C24) pumpkin
        138 (#A8E72E) lime
        139 (#00B543) jade
        140 (#065AB5) blue
        141 (#754665) mauve
        142 (#FF6E59) coral
        143 (#FF9D81) salmon

    • Select Color

         color( number )

        select the color to be used

        This will set the color to be used in the next use, such as: print() circ() rect() line()

        If those and functions like them do not use the optional color setting, then whatever color was last set will be used. By using the optional color settings in functions that have them, it sets the new color to be the currently selected color.


        --changed color to red
        print("hello world")
        --hello world will be in red

        The above is the same as:

        print("hello world",0,0,8)    --0 for x, 0 for y, 8 for red
        --hello world will be in red

        This is how they work together:

        print("hello",0,0,8)    --0 for x, 0 for y, 8 for red
        --hello will print in red
        --changed color to white
        --world will print in white

    • Get Color from Screen

         pget( x, y )

        pget = "pixel get" (1 pixel)

        x = number of pixels from the top left corner going right

        y = number of pixels from the top left corner going down

        Returns the color number of the pixel at location (x,y) on the screen.

    • Set Color to Screen

         pset( x, y, color )

        pset = "pixel set" (1 pixel)

        x = number of pixels from the top left corner going right

        y = number of pixels from the top left corner going down

        color = (optional) a color number

    • Get Color from Sprite Sheet

         sget( x, y )

        sget = "sprite sheet get" (1 pixel)

        x = number of pixels from the top left corner going right

        y = number of pixels from the top left corner going down

        Returns the color number of the pixel at location (x,y) on the sprite sheet (not screen).

        Both x and y must be within the range of 0 and 127.

    • Set Color to Sprite Sheet

         sset( x, y, color )

        sset = "sprite set" (1 pixel)

        x = number of pixels from the top left corner going right

        y = number of pixels from the top left corner going down

        color = (optional) a color number

    • Swap Colors

         pal( current color, new color, boolean )

        pal = "palette" (set of colors)

        current color = color number to change

        new color = color number to change to

        boolean = (optional) 0 for next draw or 1 for already drawn, default 0.


        resets all colors to the default palette


        swap full palette using a table.


        This will swap color numbers 1-15 (in order) to the numbers set within the table.

    • Make Color Transparent

         palt( color, boolean )

        palt = "palette transparent"

        color = a color number

        boolean = true or false to set transparency on or off

        true = do not draw this color pixel

        false = do draw this color pixel


        resets all colors to default transparency, where only black (#0) is transparent

    • Hidden Colors

        PICO-8 has 16 extra colors that are undocumented and a bit tricky to access.

        This means we actually have 32 colors to choose from and you can set your own 16 color palette using a mix of them both.

         pal( current color, new color, 1 )

        Using the palette swapping function, you can change a default color with a hidden color but you must set the last argument to 1.


        This accesses the PICO-8 memory and sets the color palette to change. Do this to see the code below.


        swap the full palette using a mix of default and hidden color numbers in a table and the second argument set to 1.


        swap all of the default colors to the hidden colors.

  • Sprites

    • What is a Sprite?

        sprite = a drawing using multiple pixels that can be considered as a single thing.

        A character, item, or piece of the background are usually made of one or many sprites. Multiple sprites that look similar but have small changes between them are often used to create sprite animations.

        A sprite has a width (W) and a height (H). The W is the number of pixels wide and the H is the number of pixels tall.
        We can communicate the size of a sprite by saying these two numbers together.
        The size of a sprite is called its "dimensions".

        As you can see, the bigger sprite looks better because it has more pixels and can show more detail. In fact, even the most beautiful and detailed digital pictures are just made of many many pixels. Here is how we can take the same character and draw him in larger dimensions in PICO-8.

    • What is a Sprite Sheet?

        sprite sheet = a collection of multiple sprites.

        You can find the PICO-8 sprite sheet in the sprite editor. Each PICO-8 game has one sprite sheet that appears broken up into 4 pages. The sprite editor is more than just a place to draw our sprites:

        Example of a full sprite sheet (1st page):

        Here, you can see multiple sprites in a sprite sheet used to create movement animation.
        Each small monkey is a single tile (8x8) and there are 9 different sprites that are used to make it look like one monkey is running in the game.

        Hover your mouse over a selected sprite's top left corner and you will see the x and y values of the sprite location on the sprite sheet. This is useful for the SSPR( ) function.

    • Draw a Sprite on Screen

        spr( sprite number, x, y, w, h, flip x, flip y )

        SPR( ) Full Tutorial!

        spr = "sprite"

        sprite # = a number of the sprite in the sprite sheet

        x = a number of pixels from the top left corner of the game screen going right

        y = a number of pixels from the top left corner of the game screen going down

        w = (optional) a number for how wide the sprite is in tiles (8 pixels in 1 tile) Default = 1

        h = (optional) a number how tall the sprite is in tiles (8 pixels in 1 tile) Default = 1

        flip x = (optional) true or false for flipping or reversing the sprite from left to right / right to left

        flip y = (optional) true or false for flipping or reversing the sprite from top to bottom / bottom to top

        If you do not include columns and rows, the default is 1. So the simplest form of this code draws an 8x8 sprite.

        Example of a 16x16 pixel sprite:

        A sprite is always drawn starting from the top left corner of the sprite. So the X and Y coordinates given will be the location for the top left pixel of the sprite.

        If you flip the sprite on the X or Y, this only changes the way it is drawn, not the position on the screen.

    • Draw a Sprite of Any Size

        sspr( sx, sy, w, h, x, y, dw, dh, flip x, flip y )

        sspr = "special sprite" ?

        sx = "sprite x" number of pixels right in sprite sheet to the top left corner of the sprite

        sy = "sprite y" number of pixels down in sprite sheet to the top left corner of the sprite

        w = "width" number of pixels wide from sx

        h = "height" number of pixels high from sy

        x = # pixels from the left to start drawing sprite on screen

        y = # pixels from the top to start drawing sprite on screen

        dw = (optional) the width of the sprite drawn on the screen. Default = w

        dh = (optional) the height of the sprite drawn on the screen. Default = h

        flip x = (optional) If true, the image is drawn inverted left to right. Default = false

        flip y = (optional) If true, the image is drawn inverted top to bottom. Default = false

        A sprite is always drawn starting from the top left corner of the sprite. So the X and Y coordinates given will be the location for the top left pixel of the sprite.

        If you flip the sprite on the X or Y, this only changes the way it is drawn, not the position on the screen.

  • Maps

    • Draw Part of Map on Screen

        map( tile x, tile y, x, y, w, h, flag )

        tile x = column number of top left corner of map section in tiles (8 pixels per tile)

        tile y = row number of top left corner of map section in tiles (8 pixels per tile)

        x = # pixels from the left to start drawing map section on screen

        y = # pixels from the top to start drawing map section on screen

        flag = (optional) a flag number to specify certain sprites.

    • Get Sprite on Map

        mget( column, row )

        mget = "map get"

        columns = number of tiles from the top (8 pixels in 1 tile)

        rows = number of tiles from the right (8 pixels in 1 tile)

        player_column = player_x / 8
        player_row = player_y / 8
        mget( player_column + 1, player_row )

        This is useful for finding certian things on the map near the player. In the code above, you get what sprite number is to the right of the player on the map. For example, I might want to check for a door on the map.

    • Set Sprite on Map

        mset( column, row, sprite number )

        mset = "map set"

        columns = number of tiles from the top (8 pixels in 1 tile)

        rows = number of tiles from the right (8 pixels in 1 tile)

        sprite number = number of the sprite in the sprite sheet

        playerColumn = playerX / 8
        player_row = playerY / 8
        door_column = 4
        door_row = 5
        door_open = 20 --sprite #
        door_close = 21 --sprite #
        if player_column == door_column
        and player_row == door_row then
            mset( door_column, door_row, door_open )
            mset( door_column, door_row, door_close )

        This is useful for changing certain things on the map, when something happens. In the code above, we check if the player is standing on a door, then set the door sprite to be open, else set it closed.

  • Strings and Variables

    • What is a String?

        "any text inside quotation marks"

        A string is a line of text. It can be one letter or a full sentence, or just symbols.

        This tells the computer to see anything inside quotation marks (" ") as just letters and symbols, not as numbers or variables.

        b = "hello"
        print( b ) --prints: hello

        Without quotation marks, it is a variable name. Example error:

        a = hello
        print( a ) --prints [nil]

        nil (null, nothing) printed because the computer was looking for a variable named hello, not a string.

    • Count the Length of the String


        Placing a # in front of a variable name that holds a string counts how many characters are in the string.

        a = "hello"
        print( #a ) -- prints: 5

    • What is a Variable?

        variable = "information"

        A variable is a letter, symbol, or word that holds information.

        This tells the computer to make the variable hold the information and remember them.

        Example 1:
        a = 1
        print( a ) --prints: 1

        Anytime the Computer sees A, it will remember that A is 1.

        Example 2:
        b = 20
        c = 10
        print( b + c ) --prints: 30

        The computer understands B as 20 and C as 10 so adding B and C, the computer adds 20 and 10 and prints the answer.

        A variable can hold a "string": words = "these are words"

        A variable can hold a "numeral": num = 120

        A variable can hold a "boolean": bool = true

        A variable can hold a "table": tbl = { key = value }

        A variable can hold a "function": p = print

        (This is specific to the Lua programming language)

    • Mix Strings with Variables


        the .. tells the computer to read a string and then change to read a variable, or the other way around.

        points = 10
        print( "score= "..points ) --prints: score= 10

  • Tables

    • What is a table?

        Table = a set of information placed into rows and columns

        You can collect and organize your game information easily into tables.

        You can't see the tables in PICO-8, so you will have to imagine them.

        Column 1
        Column 2

        Key = The first column's data. A number or string used to find the data stored in Column 2

        Value = The second column's data. A number, string, boolean, or table that you want to store

    • Create an Empty Table

        variable = { }

        { = starts the table

        } = ends the table

        fruit = { }

    • Create a Table as a Simple List

        variable = { a, b, c }

        { = starts the table

        } = ends the table

        a, b, c, = data added to the table and automatically placed in rows 1, 2, and 3

        colors = { "red", "blue", "pink", "yellow" }

    • Create a Table with Named Keys

        variable = { a=b, c=d, e=f }

        { = starts the table

        } = ends the table

        a=b = information added to the table and put in key: A linked with value: B

        highscores={ "john"=10, "bob"=143, "kim"=984 }

        Or write it like this:

        highscores = { }      --creates empty table
        highscores.john = 10 -- adds key "john" with value 10
        highscores.bob = 143
        highscores.kim = 984

        This is what it would look like:


    • Create a Table inside another Table

        variable = { a={ }, b={ } }

        { = starts the table

        } = ends the table

        a={ } : First table (named a) inside main table

        b={ } : Second table (named b) inside main table

        Example of Named Keys:
            sword={ name="iron sword", strength=20 },
            shield={ name="wood shield", strength=8 }
        nameiron sword
        namewood shield

        You may also insert tables without key names, so that each item added is automatically numbered.

        Example of Numbered Keys:
        enemies = {
            { health=10, attack=3 },
            { health=20, attack=8 }

    • Add to a Table

        add( table, value )

        table = the variable name of the table

        value = the information to add to the table

        , = commas separates the table name with the information to add

        colors = { "red", "blue", "pink", "yellow" }
        add( colors, "purple" )

    • Delete from a Table

        del( table, value )

        table = the variable name of the table

        value = the data to delete from the table

        , = commas separates the table name with the data to delete

        del( colors, "blue" )

        Notice that BLUE was key #2. Deleting BLUE, also moved the rest of the list up one number.

        This happens for tables that have numbered keys, but it does not change tables that have keys that are strings.

    • Get the Total Number of things in a Table


        # = count the number of items in a table


        #highscores --count: 3

    • Set Value in a Table

        table[ key ] = value

        [ ] = the key of the table(left column)


        highscores[ "john" ] = 30


        table[ number ] = value

        [ ] = the key of the table(left column)


        colors[ 2 ] = "orange"

    • Get Value from a Table with Numbered Keys

        table[ number ]

        [#] = the number key of the table (left column)


        print( colors[ 2 ] ) --prints: orange

    • Get Value from a Table with Named Keys

        table[ key ]



        [ ] = the variable name key of the table (left column)

        This is just like a variable, so just asking for the table and key, it will be whatever the value is in the table at that key.


        print( highscores[ "john" ] ) -- prints: 10
        print( highscores.john ) -- prints: 10

  • Loops

    • Repeat a Certain Number of Times

        for variable = start, stop, count_by do
            --code to repeat

        variable = a letter or word to set as the current repeat count

        start = a number for the repeat count to start at

        stop = a number for the repeat count to end at

        count by = a number for the count to increase or decrease by (optional, default 1) To count down, make this a negative number.

        "FOR LOOPS" begin counting from the "start" number, count up or down by the "count by" number, and stops at the "stop" number.

        for i = 1, 9, 2 do
            print( i )
        --prints: 1 3 5 7 9

        If the "count by" number is left out, then it will automatically be 1.

        for i = 1, 9 do
            print( i )
        --prints: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

        If you want to start at a high number and count down, then make the "count by" number a negative number.

        for i = 10, 3, -1 do
            print( i )
        --prints: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

    • Repeat Until something Happens

        repeat code until condition 

        code = whatever code you want to repeat

        condition = a variable or statement that will resolve to true or false

        "REPEAT LOOPS" continue doing the code after REPEAT and stops repeating when the condition is true.

        a = 0
            print( a )
            a += 1
        until a == 5
        --prints: 0 1 2 3 4

        NOTE: Repeat always runs the code at least once, before checking the conditional.

    • Repeat While something is Happening

        while condition do

        condition = a variable or statement that will resolve to true or false

        code = whatever code you want to repeat

        "WHILE LOOPS" repeat the code after DO and stops repeating when the condition is false.

        b = 4
        while b < 10 do
            print( b )
            b += 1
        --prints: 4 5 6 7 8 9

    • Repeat this For Each Entry in a Table

        foreach( table, funct )

        table = a variable holding a table

        funct = name of a function to run multiple times


        foreach( fruit, print )
        --prints: apple banana pear

        From the first to the last entry in the list, send each through the PRINT function.

        Notice there are no parentheses on the function print. This is only passing the name of the function to be called, not calling the function here.

    • Repeat for All Entries in a Table

        for variable in all( table ) do

        variable = a local variable name (used within this loop) that will hold the value of each entry from the table

        table = a variable that holds a table

        for score in all( highscores )
            print( score )
        -- prints: 10 143 984

        To get both the value and the key from a table, use:

        for key, value in pairs( table ) do

        key = a local variable name (used within this loop) that will hold the key name (left column data)

        value = a local variable name (used within this loop) that will hold the value data (right column data)

        table = name of a table

        for name, score in pairs( highscores )
            print( name )
            print( score )
        -- prints: john 10 bob 143 kim 984

    • Force a Loop to Stop

        for i = 0, 10 do
            if i == 5 then
            print ( i )
        --prints 0 1 2 3 4

  • Save and Export

    • Save Game

        save gamename

        Type this into the command screen of PICO-8.

        Or, anywhere in PICO-8, do this:

    • Save Game Label

        This takes a screen shot of your game, and saves it as the game's label when creating the game cartridge.

    • Save Game Cartridge

        save gamename.p8.png

        Type this into the command screen of PICO-8.

        This saves your game cartridge as an image, with the label on the cover.

        You can share this image with others who have PICO-8 and they can play it in PICO-8.

        WAIT! Before you save your game image, you should write this in the first two lines of your game's code and it will show on your game cartridge:

        --(game name)
        --(made by)


    • Export Game as Website

        export gamename.html

        Type this into the command screen of PICO-8.

        This exports the game for websites. It gives you two files that need to stay together. One is .html and the other is .js

    • Export Game as Desktop App

        export gamename.bin

        Type this into the command screen of PICO-8.

        This exports the game as a standalone application. Share your game with anyone! They don't need PICO-8 to play it.

    • Export Sprite Sheet

        export gamename.png

        Type this into the command screen of PICO-8.

        This exports the sprite sheet as an image in png format.

    • Export Sound FX

        export gamename.wav

        Type this into the command screen of PICO-8.

        This exports the game's sound effects as a wav file. Share your game with anyone! They don't need PICO-8 to play it.

  • Controls (Inputs)

    • Check Button Press

        btn( number , number )

        First Number = a button number or button symbol (see chart below)

        Second Number = (optional) a player number (0-7)

        If you hold the button down, this will act like it is rapidly pressed.

        btnp( number , number )

        First Number = a button number or button symbol (see chart below)

        Second Number = (optional) a player number (0-7)

        If you hold the button down, this limits one press every other game frame.

        For multiplayer games, you will need to include player numbers: 0-7

        Instead of button numbers, you can also use the symbols.

        Left 0 shift+L
        Right 1 shift+R
        Up 2 shift+U
        Down 3 shift+D
        O 4 shift+O
        X 5 shift+X

  • Music and Sound Effects (SFX)

    • Play a Sound Effect

        sfx( sfx-number, channel, offset )

        sfx-number = the SFX number of the sound you want to play or stop

        channel = (optional) a number specifying which of the 4 channels (#0-3) to play on.

        offset = (optional) a number of notes into a sound for when to start playing the sound

        If sfx-number is -1, current sound on the channel is stopped

        If sfx-number is -2, it will finish the sound but stop looping.

        If channel is -1 (default), a channel that is not in use will be picked automatically.


        sfx( 1 ) -- play SFX-number 1
        sfx( 3, 0 ) -- play SFX-number 3 in channel 0
        sfx( 4, 3, 6 ) -- play SFX-number 4 in channel 3, start 6 notes in

    • Stop a Sound Effect

        sfx( -1, channel)

        channel = (optional) a number specifying which of the 4 channels (#0-3) to play on.

    • Play Music

        music( music-number, channel, offset )

        music-number = the number of the song in the music editor.

        channel = (optional) a number specifying which of the 4 channels (#0-3) to play on.

        offset = (optional) a number of notes into the music for when to start playing the music


        music( 1 ) -- play music number 1
        music( 3, 0 ) -- play music 3 in channel 0
        music( 4, 3, 8 ) -- music 4, channel 3, start 8 notes in

  • Math

    • Round a number down

        flr( number )

        flr = ("floor") find the nearest whole number by rounding down

        Number = any number or decimal


        a = flr( 1.6 ) -- a = 1
        b = flr( 7 / 3 ) -- b = 2

    • Make a number Positive

        abs( number )

        abs = ("absolute") same number but ignore the sign( + / - )

        Number = any number or decimal


        a = abs( 16 ) -- a = 16
        b = abs( -2.5 ) -- b = 2.5
        d = abs( 1.5 - 2 ) -- d = 0.5

    • Get a number's sign: ( + / - )

        sgn( number )

        sgn = "sign" positive or negative ( + / - )

        Number = any number or decimal

        If # is positive, SGN(#) = 1

        If # is zero, SGN(#) = 1

        If # is negative, SGN(#) = -1


        a = sgn( 16 ) -- a = 1
        b = sgn( 0 ) -- b = 1
        c = sgn( -2.5 ) -- c = -1
        d = sgn( 5 - 16 ) -- d = -1

        Notice that SGN( 0 ) returns 1, simply as a non-negative number.

        This is a handy function for recognizing 0 and returning: ( 1 / 0 / -1 )

        function truesgn(a)
            local r=0
            if (a!=0) r=sgn(a)
            return r

        (shared by @dw817)

    • Square Root

        sqrt( number )

        sqrt = "square root"

        Number = any number or decimal

        What is Square Root?

        To square a number, means you times the number by itself:
        3 x 3 = 9 or "3-squared" = 9

        Square Root is the opposite and finds what number times itself equals the #:
        "square-root of 9" = 3


        a = sqrt( 16 ) -- a = 4
        b = sqrt( 100 ) -- b = 10
        c = sqrt( 30 - 21 ) -- c = 3 

    • Get Larger Number

        max( number , number )

        max = "maximum"

        First Number = any number or decimal

        Second Number = (optional) any number or decimal, defaults to 0

        This compares two numbers and returns the higher value

        a = max( 16 , 25 ) -- a = 25
        a = max( 5 ) -- a = 5
        a = max( -10 ) -- a = 0
        b = max( 20+30 , 100-30 ) -- b = 70

    • Get Smaller Number

        min( number , number )

        min = "minimum"

        First Number = any number or decimal

        Second Number = (optional) any number or decimal, defaults to 0

        This compares two numbers and returns the lower value.

        a = min( 16 , 25 ) -- a = 16
        a = max( 5 ) -- a = 5
        a = max( -10 ) -- a = 0
        b = min( 20+30 , 100-30 ) -- b = 50

    • Get Middle Number

        mid( number , number , number )

        MID = "middle"

        Number = any number or decimal

        This sorts a list of numbers then gives the middle number ("median") of the list.

        a = mid( 25 , 10 , 40 ) -- a = 25
        b = mid( 20+30 , 100-30 , 10+50 ) -- b = 60

    • Make a Wave

        sin( # ) -- sine wave
        cos( # ) -- cosine wave
        atan2( # , # ) -- arc tangent
        Purple = Cosine
        Green = Sine

    • Random Number: Decimal

        rnd( number )

        rnd = "random"

        Number = any number or decimal

        Generates a random number from 0 to the number given (including 0 and number given)

        a = rnd( 8 ) --returns a decimal between 0 and 8
        b = rnd( 20+30 ) --returns a decimal between 0 and 50

    • Random Number: Whole #

        flr( rnd( number ) )

        rnd = "random" (see Random Number: Decimal)

        flr = "floor" (round down)

        Number = any number or decimal

        Generates a random number from 0 to the number given (including 0 and the number given) then rounds down to the nearest whole number and returns that.

        a = flr( rnd( 3 ) ) --gives whole number between 0 and 3
        b = rnd( 5*10 ) --gives a decimal between 0 and 50

This is a menu and coding reference for Pico-8.
